Wednesday, September 28, 2016

DIEP.IO is an online multi-player shooting game which is free for all players over the world. The aim of the game is to gather points by shooting objects(squares, triangles or pentagons) or killing enemies to get into the leader board(Top 10) displayed on the top right corner of the screen. There are various game modes along with a variety of tanks to choose from.

GAMEPLAY uses cursor position and keyboard strokes to play the game. Using the mouse the user can aim at the enemy tanks or control its drones to perform an attack. keyboard strokes are used to move the tank or enable specific commands like "Auto-shoot (Press E)", "Auto-Rotate (Press C)", "Control the Dominator (Press H)" or "Displaying Tank Classes (Press Y)". The keyboard and the mouse could be used to upgrade the tank when it levels up after gaining a specified amount of points (Pressing the specified number). Controlling the Dominator is only available in Domination Game Mode.

Available Upgrades
Upgrades are classified into Eight Groups namely:
  1. Health Regeneration
  2. Max Health
  3. Body Damage
  4. Bullet / Drone Speed
  5. Bullet Penetration/ Drone Health
  6. Bullet/ Drone Damage
  7. Reload 
  8. Movement Speed
Each of the upgrades have a total of seven levels upgraded using Upgrade Points. The tank can go upto a Level of 45 and have a total of 33 Upgrade Points.

You are allowed to select your Tank Class as you level up. These are divided into three tiers which are displayed on the Top Left Corner of the screen when you reach level 15, 30 and 45. The tree of tank upgrading is given below.

Tank Class Tree
Depending on your playing style, you can choose from the variety of tanks each having its special features.


Apart from tanks there are various Game Modes to choose from. The list is getting updated with the development of the game but as of now there are a total of Seven Game Modes to choose from
  1. Free for All (FFA)- Play as a Single Person Tank Shooter aiming to have the highest points 
  2. 2 Team- Play with your Team Mates (Red/Blue Team)
  3. 4 Team- Play with your Team Mates (Red/Blue/Green/Violet Team)
  4. Domination- Get control of 4 stations in the Map to win the Game
  5. Tag Mode- Kill Enemy tanks which forces them to join your team. A Team wins if all tanks are in One Team.
  6. Maze- Similar to FFA but you are in a Maze
  7. Sandbox- To be used to check out various configurations of the Tanks in a small area
There is an option for sharing of Party Link among your friends to play in the same server. is supported in Chrome, Mozilla, Microsoft Edge, IE and Safari. The best I found was Chrome. is also available on Android Play Store. Here is the link.